3rd July 2024: Decide quickly on direction of migrant worker system in Malaysia, Public Accounts Committee tells govt – Andy Hall says: ‘Impunity, undermining of the rule of law and systemic corruption continue unless a quick fix but long term solution is found’

PAC chastises govt for running foreign worker recruitment system for six years without contract

3rd July 2024: Decide quickly on direction of migrant worker system in Malaysia, Public Accounts Committee tells govt

3rd July 2024: Comment attributable to Andy Hall, independent migrant worker rights specialist: “The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) gave advice today that should be headed, and its comments carefully digested. Urgently so. Impunity, undermining of the rule of law and systemic corruption will just continue with this failed and non transparent existing system of migrant worker management in Malaysia unless a quick fix but long term solution is found. And that solution surely is one without unnecessary, illegitimate and poorly intentioned intermediaries complicating the system for their own profit and greedy self-interests. The current system of migrant worker management in Malaysia has systematically and in the most public of ways failed the country, its employers, and most importantly, vulnerable foreign workers at extreme risk of forced labour and modern slavery. The Malaysian economy is increasingly notorious now for the systemic abuse of those vulnerable foreign workers who continue, often in appalling situations of debt bondage and exploitation due to unethical recruitment practices, to drive the country’s economic growth. The FCWMS system must be put out of action, now, once and for all. Out with the syndicates, and stop the corruption. It is clear that this way forward is in the best long term interests of the national, economic and human security of Malaysia, Malaysian employers and vulnerable foreign workers.”

Original Source: FMT by FMT Reporters – 3rd July 2023

PAC says officials from the home and human resources ministries have agreed that the intake of migrant workers can be done without the Foreign Workers Centralised Management System.

PETALING JAYA: The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has urged the government and Bestinet Sdn Bhd not to waste any more time in deciding on the direction of the Foreign Workers Centralised Management System (FWCMS).

FMT 7th July 2024: Use independent experts for migrant system audit, says anti-graft group

See also MALAYSIAKINI 6th July 2024 C4CENTER COMMENT: Massive migrant labour recruiting issues, cops must probe

See also NST 6th July 2024: Probe foreign labour recruitment misgovernance highlighted by PAC, govt urged

See also FMT 6th July 2024: Anti-corruption watchdog demands action over govt-Bestinet deal

See also Malay Mail 6th July 2024: Home minister says will review PAC criticism over migrant worker system launched without contract

See also: Star 5th July 2024: Mutual termination clause in Bestinet contract puts Putrajaya in ‘challenging position’, says Public Accounts Committee report

See also: FMT 4th July 2024: Govt urged to heed PAC’s call on migrant worker system

See also: Star 4th July 2024: Human Resources Ministry to conduct internal audit

See also: Star 4th July 2024: PAC uncovers serious flaws

Public Accounts Committee chairman Mas Ermieyati Samsudin said there was no contract between Putrajaya and Bestinet on the FWCMS despite a letter of acceptance issued in January 2018 for the development of the system.

“This means that the government and home ministry have been using the FWCMS for six years without a finalised contract, and this clearly breaches government regulations.

“The home ministry and Bestinet must immediately finalise their decision on the agreement and the direction of the FWCMS,” she said in a statement.

The then Barisan Nasional government approved the development of the FWCMS under the home ministry and the human resources ministry’s Integrated Foreign Workers Management (ePPAx) system in August 2015.

Mas Ermieyati said both systems were single-window concepts, which led to overlaps in function and the waste of public funds.

She added that during Public Accounts Committee proceedings, officials from both the home and human resources ministries had said that the intake of migrant workers could be done without the FWCMS, either manually or through the ePPAx system.

“The two ministries need to work together to come up with a strategic plan for the management of migrant workers, not limited to the development of a system.

“Both ministries need to ensure that there are no more overlaps in the functions of the systems that have been developed, which has led to public funds being wasted,” said the Masjid Tanah MP.

See also: Vibes 3rd July 2024: Foreign worker management system operating 6 years without a contract – Government has broken the rules, says Public Accounts Committee chairman.

Last week, home minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said the Cabinet had agreed in principle to extend Bestinet’s contract to provide IT systems for the recruitment of foreign workers.

He did not provide details about the duration of the contract, but Mas Ermieyati said the extension was for three years.

Bestinet’s previous six-year contract with the home ministry to develop, supply, provide and maintain the FWCMS ended on May 31.

Meanwhile, the Public Accounts Committee chief urged the police to provide an update on investigations regarding the approval granted by “unauthorised users” for 24 migrant worker quota applications.

The unauthorised approval, discovered by the national audit department, showed weaknesses in the management of IDs in the FWCMS, she said.

3rd June 2024: The Edge – Public Accounts Committee chastises govt for running foreign worker recruitment system for six years without contract

Original Source: The Edge Malaysia by Choy Nyen Yiau – 3rd July 2024

KUALA LUMPUR (July 3): A migrant labour recruitment system under the supervision of the Ministry of Home Affairs has been operating for six years without a finalised contract, according to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC).

The letter of acceptance for the Foreign Workers Centralized Management System (FWCMS) was issued on Jan 12, 2018, but the contract remained unsigned between the government and the service provider, Bestinet Sdn Bhd, up to March 13 this year, the PAC noted.

“This clearly violates the rules set by the government,” said PAC chairperson Datuk Mas Ermieyati Samsudin at a news conference on Wednesday.

The Cabinet approved the implementation of the FWCMS under the public-private partnership model on Aug 26, 2015, according to a report by the bi-partisan committee mandated to examine government finances.

However, the system was not included in the list of projects approved by the Cabinet or in any letter of intent for implementation from 2009 until May 31, 2020, according to a letter dated December 2020 by the Public Private Partnership Unit.

“In addition, the Cabinet notes on the direction and implementation of FWCMS were not tabled to the Cabinet before the letter of acceptance was issued,” said PAC.

The breach of procurement procedures or public-private partnership rules, along with Bestinet’s request to increase collection charges from RM100 to RM120, contributed to the FWCMS contract not being signed, PAC added.

Meanwhile, PAC also found weaknesses in the management of identification control in the FWCMS, with two IDs held by non-Ministry of Human Resources officers, and 24 unauthorised users approving employer applications. The incidents have been reported to the police, PAC noted.

The Home Ministry has been urged to immediately finalise the FWCMS agreement and direction, the PAC said. Additionally, the ministry must strictly adhere to information and communication technology procurement policies.

The police should provide updates on the latest investigation, the PAC stressed.

Bestinet contract extension in scrutiny

Meanwhile, PAC said it will obtain information related to an announcement by Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail on the Bestinet’s three-year contract extension.

On June 24, Saifuddin announced that the Cabinet agreed to extend the contract for another three years with Bestinet, and a committee has been established to discuss terms and conditions.

The committee will “obtain information related to this matter in the follow-up proceedings that will be held within three months”, Mas Ermieyati said.

Further, the Human Resources Ministry’s chief secretary has been informed that if the government decides to end the FWCMS, the discontinued Integrated Foreign Workers Management System (ePPAx) can still be used for the recruitment of foreign workers, the PAC said.

PAC advised the Home Ministry and Human Resources Ministry to collaborate on a comprehensive strategic plan for managing foreign workers beyond system development, ensuring there is no duplication of system functions, which would result in a waste of public money.

Malaysiakini 3rd July 2024: BESTINET Probe – Public Accounts Committee chief says ‘Datuk Amin’ not among witnesses

Original Source: Malaysiakini by Alyaa Alhadjri, Isabelle Leong & Haspaizi Zain – 3rd July 2024

PARLIAMENT | Bestinet president Aminul Islam Abdul Nor was not among the witnesses called to testify during four Public Accounts Committee (PAC) proceedings of audit findings on the company’s Foreign Workers Centralised Management System (FWCMS).

Aminul, better known as “Datuk Amin”, was the founder of Bestinet but has in the past years divested his shareholdings.

“We did not summon Aminul as part of our investigation,” PAC chairperson Mas Ermieyati Samsudin told reporters today.

“I was made to understand he is no longer with the company,” she said.

Mas Ermieyati was responding to reporters who asked if Aminul, who was linked to several past investigations related to migrant worker recruitment, is among those questioned.

She, however, declined to reveal further information when asked whether the PAC also looked into details from past investigations that implicated Bestinet.

“We were informed (about the investigations) but that information is confidential and cannot be shared,” she said.

Others questioned were government officials from the Home Ministry and Human Resources Ministry.

The PAC report released today listed Bestinet group chief executive officer Ismail Mohd Noor as among company officials questioned over various discrepancies surrounding the use of the system.

In July last year, Bestinet announced that Pahang crown prince Tengku Abdul Rahman Sultan Ahmad Shah had assumed the position of company director, taking over from Aminul who resigned as chairperson and company director after relinquishing all his shares.

3rd July 2024: The Star – Bestinet told Public Accounts Committee unauthorised users were approved by HR Ministry personnel, report shows

Original Source: The Star by Justin Zack – 3rd July 2024

PETALING JAYA: The 24 unauthorised users under the Foreign Workers Centralised Management System had been approved by Human Resources Ministry officers, Bestinet Sdn Bhd says.

In the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) report regarding the management of the system, Bestinet Sdn Bhd chief technology officer Muhammad Shukri Abdul Mutalib told the PAC that the company had informed the Human Resources Ministry that its own officers had given the approval for the 24 users.

“Based on our technical findings, we informed the Human Resources Ministry that all 24 applications were approved its own officers.

“In terms of reporting, we have already submitted it to the Human Resources Ministry and told them who the approving officers were,” he said.

In response, Public Accounts Committee (PAC) chairman Datuk Mas Ermieyati Samsudin asked if that meant the issue of the unauthorised users had been identified.

“So, what you mean is that the issue of the 24 unauthorised users has been identified and the accompanying report sent to the Human Resources Ministry, correct?” she asked.

Both Muhammad Shukri and Bestinet Sdn Bhd chief executive officer Muhammad Shukri Abdul Mutalib were quoted in the report as stating the affirmative.

At a press conference Wednesday (July 3) at the Parliament media room, the PAC chairman said the PAC found there were 24 unauthorised users that had approved applications to bring in foreign workers.

She added that the committee found flaws in the identification monitoring in the management systems where two IDs (identification tags) did not belong to any Human Resources Ministry officer.

“The 24 unauthorised users had already approved 24 applications by employers. This case has been reported to the police to conduct investigations on the matter,” she said in a press conference at the Parliament media room here, Wednesday.

Background Reading:

FMT 2nd July 2024: Tenaganita letter to Editor – TIP upgrade no cause for celebration just yet

30th June 2024: Somoy News – Bangladeshi High Court orders disclosure of action on Malaysia migrant worker scam (with 500,000+ victims) in 7 days

Malay Mail 25th June 2024: Home minister sees good things for Malaysian businesses after upgrade to US trafficking ranking

The Star 25th June 2024: Malaysia will strive to reach Tier 1 in Trafficking In Persons report, says Saifuddin

Scoop 25th June 2024: Nation’s improved Tier 2 human trafficking ranking ‘dangerously misleading’, says activist

See also MALAYSIAKINI 25th June 2024: M’sia doesn’t deserve Tier 2 in US human trafficking ranking – activist

Daily Star 26th June 2024: Rights activists criticise Malaysia’s improved ranking

See also Benar News 24th June 2024: Malaysia advances in US State Dept’s world rankings for anti-human trafficking efforts

See also FMT 24th June 2024: Malaysia upgraded to Tier 2 in US human trafficking report

See also Benarma 25th June 2024: Malaysia upgraded to Tier 2 in U.S. TIP Report

See also Focus Malaysia 25th June 2024: Migrant workers’ activist – Malaysia doesn’t deserve Tier 2 upgrade in 2024 US human trafficking report

See also 25th June 2024: Home Ministry welcomes country’s Tier 2 upgrade on Trafficking in Persons 2024 report

See also FMT 25th June 2024: Home ministry open to working with NGOs against human trafficking

See also Star 25th June 2024: Malaysia upgraded to Tier 2 in latest Trafficking in Persons report

SCMP 25th June 2024: Malaysia’s upgrade in US human trafficking index decried as ‘disappointing’ amid migrant worker woes

24th June 2024 Exclusive Analysis: CNA – Extension of Malaysia’s controversial migrant labour ecosystem (involving BESTINET) a blow to PM Anwar’s reform agenda 

See New Strait Times 24th June 2024: Malaysian Government Forms Committee to Review Terms of Bestinet’s 3 Year Extension

FMT 24th June 2024: Bestinet contract extended, confirms Saifuddin – ‘Home minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail says the Cabinet decided in principle on the extension ‘several weeks ago’.

Malay Mail 24th June 2024: Home Minister – Bestinet keeps foreign worker system contract for three more years, but with stricter terms

Bernama News 24th June 2024: Committee set up to Peruse Terms and Conditions of BESTINET Contract

FMT 24th June 2024: Bestinet to surrender control of workers management system under new deal

FMT 24th June 2024: Bestinet should be phased out eventually, says ex-MP

Malaysianist 18th June 2024: Minting money from a migrant services monopoly (click to subscribe for full article)

9th June 2024 Daily Star – Labour Recruitment from Bangladesh to Malaysia: Syndicate wins, migrants suffer, country loses(excellent summary how bad triumphed, carnage resulted – Bangladesh and Malaysia MUST be downgraded to Tier 3 in the upcoming U.S. TIP report!)

Dhaka Tribune 11th June 2024: Deadline extended for Malaysia migration hurdle complaints

Business Standard 11th June: Unrest within Baira over Malaysian labour market, ruckus in AGM as committee members assaulted 

Observer 9th June 2024: Around 2,900 complaints lodged by deprived Malaysia-bound migrants

Malaysianist 6th June 2024: The fat cat ruling the Malaysian migrant services roost(allegations of systemic corruption involving Malaysia’s migrant worker management systems – click to subscribe)

Business Standard 5th June 2024: Govt to take action over failure in sending workers to Malaysia: PM Hasina

4th June 2024 Daily Star (Op Ed): Break the syndicates, not the dreams of Malaysia-bound workers

SCMP 4th June 2024 – In Malaysia, business and human rights must go hand in hand, UN rights chief says in KL press conference against backdrop of systemic migrant worker abuses

New Straits Times 4th June 2024: Human rights-centric practices essential for foreign investment, says UN

4th June 2024 Business Standard: NHRC orders probe into alleged embezzlement of Tk150cr from Malaysia-bound workers

4th June 2024 Business Standard: 47,809 Bangladeshis flew to Malaysia in May – highest since labour market reopened in 2022

Daily Sun 3rd June: IRREGULARITIES IN MIGRATION TO MALAYSIA – Recruiting agencies never made accountable(good historical summary)

Business Standard 4th June 2024:Dhaka-20, Feni-2 MPs deny allegations of involvement in embezzling money from Malaysia-bound workers

SCMP 3rd June 2024: ‘Nothing left for me’ as thousands of Bangladeshi workers lose everything in failed bid to work in Malaysia

Daily Star Editorial 3rd June 2024: Must our migrants pay the price every time?

Prothomalo 3rd June 2024 – Bangladesh Labour market: Hapless workers lose all vying to go to Malaysia

Daily Sun 3rd June 2024: IRREGULARITIES IN MIGRATION TO MALAYSIA: Recruiting agencies never made accountable

FMT 3rd June 2024: 17,000 Bangladeshi workers stranded, Dhaka pleads for time

Daily Star 3rd June 2024: 16,970 Bangladeshis failed to reach Malaysia for mismanagement, more destitution and modern slavery will result

Daily Star 3rd June 2024 – Bangladeshi Migrant Worker Exploitation and Malaysian Labour Market Alleged Criminal Syndicate: The agencies picked by KL to blame, Bangladesh tells UN OHCHR

Daily Star 2nd June 2024: Controversial recruitment system to stay 3 more years

Daily Star 2nd June – Jobs in Malaysia: Mismanagement left over 3k workers with no ticket to KL

Daily Star 1st June 2024: Must history repeat itself with the Malaysian labour market’s alleged criminal syndicate trafficking Bangladeshi migrant workers for forced labour

MALAYSIAKINI June 1st 2024: Controversial worker management system BESTINET gets new lease, sources say

1st June 2024 Kalerkantho: Malaysia’s dream ends in deprivation for Bangladeshi migrant workers of criminal syndicate

FMT 31st May 2024: Expect Bangladeshi workers to be stranded and at high risk of modern slavery following Malaysian migration management deadline rush, warns activist

SCMP 31st May 2024: Malaysians shocked by thousands of Bangladeshis crowding at airport to beat deadline for legal work, as UN and activists warn of increased modern slavery risks

CNA 31st May 2024: Over 30,000 workers set to miss deadline to enter Malaysia even as officials clear backlog at KL airport

Prothomalo 31 May 2024 – Bangladesh – Malaysia’s labour market: Repeated syndicates, repeated closure

Prothomalo 31st May 2024: Bangladesh – Thousands of people crowded Dhaka airport without flight tickets to go to Malaysia

31st May 2024 FMT: Govt reaffirms commitment to protect migrant workers’ rights to UN

31st May 2024: The closure of the labor market in Malaysia has shattered the dreams of 31,000 workers

Daily Star 31 May 2024 – Recruitment in Malaysia: Syndicate siphons over $1b out of Bangladesh

Daily Sun 31st May 2024: Biman sends 2,000 migrant workers to Malaysia

Business Standard 31st May 2024: Malaysia-bound workers scammed, stranded at Dhaka airport as deadline set to expire today

Daily Star 30th May 2024: Manpower syndicates beyond Dhaka-KL control

30th May 2024: Comment by Andy Hall, independent migrant worker rights specialist, on ongoing migrant worker management crisis in Malaysia and at KLIA airport today, Bangladeshi workers at high risk of modern slavery

CNA 30th May 2024: ‘Congestion’ at KL airport as employers scramble to bring in thousands of migrant workers before deadline

MALAYSIAKINI 30th May 2023: ‘Migrants influx at KLIA due to employers chasing deadline’

30th May 2024 Benar News: Malaysia’s labor market closed – Migrant workers flock to airports in all countries

29th May Daily Star: Bangladeshi workers in Malaysia – Hiring begins with bribery (UN independent experts say Bangladeshi workers pay up to 8 times for migration alone due to corruption of Malaysia ministries, Bangladesh mission and syndicates)

29th May Daily Star: Airfare to Malaysia surges fivefold

FMT 28th May 2024: Malaysia yet to respond to UN concerns on alleged criminal syndicate trafficking Bangladeshi migrant victims for forced labour in the country(with my full statement included)

For Immediate Release 27th May 2024: Statement by Andy Hall, Independent Migrant Worker Rights Specialist, on today’s public release of UN OHCHR’s unanswered urgent appeal communications to the Malaysian and Bangladeshi Governments 

30th May Star: Cyclone smashes Bangladeshi workers’ hopes, extension requested

Channel News Asia 25th May 2024: Malaysia’s bid to revamp hiring of foreign workers through controversial BESTINET process faces pushback; activists say country’s reputation at stake

22nd May 2024: UN expert – Malaysian law enforcement mixing up human trafficking, migrant smuggling – “What steps has Malaysia taken to investigate alleged complicity of public officials in human trafficking?’’

20th May 2024 FMT: Duped Bangladeshi workers won’t impact Malaysia’s US Human trafficking report ranking, says HR Minister Sim

Malay Mail 17th May 2024: Pengerang employer to face Labour Court in Malaysia after failing for months to pay Bangladeshi workers’ wages over RM1m (government statements and my comments included – months on, court agreed mediation settlement unforced, workers allegedly remain in situation akin to acute modern slavery)

16th May 2024: Firm that left over 700 Bangladeshi workers to dry in Pengerang facing possible prosecution (months on, court agreed mediation settlement unforced, workers allegedly remain in situation akin to acute modern slavery)

14th May 2024: FMT – Activists warn of US trafficking report downgrade for Malaysia amid UN criticism

May 10th 2024 The Star: Malaysian Government responds to OHCHR, IOM, ILO and UNODC joint condemnation on alleged Bangaldeshi migrant worker criminal syndicate by pledging to set up special unit handling migrant workers’ grievances, says HR Minister Sim

9th May 2024: Study: 96% of Bangladeshi workers going to Malaysia fall into recruitment debt– The study also said that 82% had two or more loans and 73% of workers spent at least 50% to 100% of their monthly salary to repay recruitment debts

4th May 2024: UN agencies concerned over Bangladeshi workers stranded in Malaysia – Joint Statement of ILO, IOM and UNODC on Alleged Criminal Syndicate Trafficking Bangladeshi Workers for Forced Labour in Malaysia

24th April 2024: Address plight of duped Bangladeshi migrant workers in Malaysia in response to UN warning, govt told (more on the ongoing saga of an alleged criminal syndicate trafficking Bangladeshi migrant workers for forced labour in Malaysia)

19th April 2024: UN (OHCHR) Statement on Alleged Criminal Syndicate Trafficking Bangladeshi Workers for Forced Labour in Malaysia – ‘Malaysia: Bangladeshi workers must be protected from exploitation and criminalisation, say UN experts’

FMT 19th April 2024: UN experts sound alarm over plight of duped Bangladeshi migrants in Malaysia

For more on Andy Hall’s complaint to the OHCHR see 30th Oct 2023: FMT: Andy Hall refers stranded Bangladeshi workers’ plight in Malaysia to UN Human Rights Council

See Daily Star 23rd Apr 2024: Bangladesh Plight of Migrant Workers – Bangladesh, Malaysia working group meeting likely in May

See Daily Star Editorial 23rd Apr 2024: When even legal migrants suffer – Workers migrating to Malaysia legally deserve better protection 

Business Standard 23rd April 2024: Expat Ministry reviews UN complaints on Bangladeshi workers in Malaysia

Prothomalo 23rd April 2024: Bangladesh – Ministry reviewing allegations over Malaysia labour market

BenarNews Malay Language: Pakar PBB gesa Malaysia tangani layanan buruk diterima pekerja Bangladesh (UN expert urges Malaysia to handle bad treatment received by Bangladeshi workers)

Daily Star 19th Apr 2024: UN experts express dismay over situation of Bangladeshi migrants in Malaysia

FMT 19th Apr 2024: PSM, news portal set aside order to stop debate on migrant workers’ plight

Daily Star Editorial 17th April 2024: Save our migrants in Malaysia (more on the crisis caused by an alleged criminal syndicate trafficking Bangladeshi workers for forced labour in Malaysia)

9th April 2024 The Star – Bangladeshi victims of criminal syndicate trafficking worked for forced labour in Malaysia: ‘Cops after workers, not rogue employers

7th April 2024: SCMP – As Malaysia’s door closes on low-paid migrant workers, companies scramble for staff (and a systemically corrupt migration management and recruitment policy, devoid of the rule of law and leading to impunity and gross exploitation, is revealed)

6th April 2024 Daily Star: A hostel of nightmares for Bangladeshi migrants allegedly trafficked by criminal syndicate for forced labour in Malaysia (and Daily Star Op Ed)

Daily Star Editorial 6th Apr 2024: What will happen to migrants abandoned in Malaysia?

26th March 2024: The Star – Freeze on foreign workers hiring quota in Malaysia stays for now, says HR Minister (with estimated 200,000+ surplus foreign workforce victims facing destitution and abuse)

25th March 2024: Bangladeshi workers (alleged victims of criminal syndicate trafficking Bangladeshi workers for forced labour in Malaysia) claim being coerced into withdrawing police and labour complaints

Daily Star 25th Mar: Malaysia employer framed Bangladeshi workers

Daily Star 24th Mar 2024: Jailed in Malaysia – 3 Bangladesh workers released

Editorial Prothomalo 24th Mar 2024: Malaysian labour market – Take action against the fraud syndicate

FMT 23rd March 2024: PSM calls on Sim to look into arrest of Bangladeshi workers

MALAYSIAKINI 23 Mar 2024: Stranded foreign workers (alleged victims of criminal syndicate trafficking Bangladeshi workers for forced labour in Malaysia) nabbed after labour complaints against employer

23rd March 2024 The Star: Half a million vulnerable and irregular foreign workers disappear from Malaysia’s migrant worker regularization programme as deadline looms in one week

23 Mar 2024 The Star: Verification rate lags as RTK 2.0 deadline approaches

22nd March 2024 Malay Mail: Home minister – Over RM9m in fines collected so far through migrant repatriation programme

22nd March 2024 Protomalo: Malaysian labour market set to be closed again due to syndication

20th March 2024: 93 duped/detained Bangladeshi migrant workers in Malaysia have jobs now, says immigration DG

20th Mar 2024 Business Standard: Bangladeshi workers’ plight in Malaysia: Coalition of migration orgs demand action against recruiting agency syndicate

19th March 2024: FMT – Plantation firms wary of ‘forced labour’ concerns in hiring 200,000 surplus foreign workers/criminal syndicate victims in Malaysia, says minister – indeed he’s right, who wants to take on destitute foreign workers often with US$4-7000 in debt?

17th March 2024: FMT – Malaysia’s treatment of migrant workers utterly shameful

New Age 16th Mar 2024: Bangladeshi government must mend issues to keep Malaysia job market open

15th March 2024 SCMP: Malaysians deride minister’s idea to rebrand palm oil workers as ‘specialised harvesters’

14th March 2024: The Star – Opinion: When work in Malaysia is a con – the criminal syndicate trafficking Bangladeshis for forced labour in Malaysia

FMT 13th March 2024: Bangladeshi migrants file police reports after falling victim to job scam/criminal syndicate trafficking workers from Bangladesh for forced labour in Malaysia

12th March 2024: SCMP – Malaysia to slash migrant workforce amid intolerance, job scam crisis involving Bangladeshi labourers

FMT 11th Mar 2024: Duped migrant jobseekers, victims of alleged criminal syndicate trafficking Bangaldeshi workers to Malaysia for forced labour, face mental health issues, says Malaysian ex-MP

Daily Star Editorial 10th March 2024: Migrating to a life of unemployment

Daily Star 10th Mar 2024: Distressed in Malaysia – Thousands of Bangladeshi migrants jobless, unpaid or underpaid 

9th March 2024: Malay Mail – Activists warn rushed 31st March visa deadline in Malaysia could force firms to source foreign workers unethically (includes my commentary on the abrupt policy change)

9th Mar 2024 The Star: No extension of May 31 foreign worker deadline

NST 9th Mar 2024: Keep recruitment agencies in a list rather than shutting them down, govt told   

See also NST 9th Mar 2024: Sourcing migrant workers takes time, ‘not like buying cattle’, employer groups tell govt

NST 8th Mar 2024: Eliminate middlemen from migrant worker recruitment process, govt told

Star 8th Mar 2024: May 31 deadline for foreign workers recruitment under recalibration programme remains, says Saifuddin

Malay Mail 8th Mar 2024: Saifuddin Nasution: No more agents for Bangladeshi worker recruitment

6th Mar 2024: Malaysian government halts foreign worker entry into the country from 31st May 2024 (final calling visa/VDN approval issuance deadline 31st March 2024) as migrant worker management crisis worsens and victims of gross exploitation, unemployment and destitution rise significantly

6th March 2024: Business Times –Sudden change in foreign worker policy by Malaysian government leaves industry in limbo

6th Mar 2024 Edge: Foreign worker intake deadline changes will leave manufacturers in the lurch, says FMM

6th Mar 2024 FMT: Industry players shocked by foreign worker policy change, says FMM

Mar 5 2024: NCCIM urges govt to review unused foreign worker quota deadline

4th March 2024 URGENT call for donations/support: joining forces with HOPE SELANGOR to fill gap in providing humanitarian aid and assistance to victims of criminal syndicate trafficking Bangladeshi workers into forced labour in Malaysia

Mar 3rd 2024: Concern on repatriation of potential trafficking and forced labour/abuse victims under Malaysian Migrant Worker Repatriation Programme Commencing 1st March 2024 (Statement by Andy Hall, Independent Migrant Worker Rights Specialist)

FMT 3rd Mar 2024: Ensure ‘crooks’ do not gain from repatriation programme, says activist

Mar 2nd 2024 The Star: A chance for illegals to go home

Mar 2nd 2024 The Star: Sarawak immigration extends RTK2.0 until June

Mar 1st 2024 FMT: 600,000 foreign workers urged to take easy exit home

Mar 1st 2024 The Star: Use repatriation programme to return home, 600,000 illegals told

Feb 28th 2024 The Star: New programme lets migrants off the hook without being prosecuted

Feb 25th 2024 The Star: Businesses want foreign worker hiring freeze lifted

Jan 31st 2024 NST: Govt to implement Migrant Repatriation Programme starting March

Jan 31st 2024 The Edge: Cabinet agrees to extend freeze on hiring of foreign workers, says home minister 

31st Jan 2024 FMT: Migrant repatriation programme set for March 1

31st Jan 2024 The Star: Migration Repatriation Programme to commence on March 1, says Home Ministry

FMT 6th Jan 2024: 171 duped migrant workers deserve compensation, govt told (includes my full statement)

5th Jan 2024: New Strait Times – MCA: Don’t just fine employers, hold ministry accountable as well for unemployed foreign workers

FMT 30th Dec 2023: Migrants being duped into Malaysia because of govt’s failure to curb criminal trafficking syndicates and organised crime network, says activist Andy Hall

30th Dec 2023: New Strait Times – Recruitment agencies accused of deception as Bangladeshi victims speak out on exploitation and fear

29th Dec 2023: Malay Mail – Set up probe on exploitation of migrant workers and new ministry to manage their affairs, Suhakam tells Putrajaya

28th Dec 2023: FMT – Malaysia has entered ‘slave labour’ territory, says ex-MP – Charles Santiago calls for specific set-ups to manage migrant workers 

27th Dec 2023: New Strait Times – MTUC demand govt, MACC probe into corrupt recruitment practices of foreign workers

26th Dec 2023: FMT – High recruitment fees make greedy agents bring in workers, says group

25th Dec 2023: FMT – Probe recruitment agents, MACC told after arrest of Bangladeshis

22nd Nov 2023: MALAYSIAKINI – Full probe of migrant worker syndicate, Malaysian HR Minister Sivakumar says

9th Nov 2023: Malaysia – The State of the Nation: Flaws of foreign worker system laid bare in declassified report

30th Oct 2023: FMT: Andy Hall refers stranded Bangladeshi workers’ plight in Malaysia to UN Human Rights Council

23rd Oct 2023: RESPONSE FROM THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES IN REGARDS TO AN ARTICLE BY MR. ANDY HALL/HR Minister – strict actions against employers who fail to comply with Malaysia’s labour and immigration laws

20th Oct 2023 Malaysiakini: Long-awaited foreign worker management report declassified in Malaysia (my comments added)

19th Oct 2023: Malaysia facing huge excess of 1/4 million migrant laborers

21st Sep 2023: Malaysian government has 15 source countries for foreign workers – Comments by Andy Hall

20th Sep 2023: Rate of abused Bangladeshi workers’ entry into Malaysia worrying, says migrant rights activist Andy Hall

12th July 2023: excellent final offering from a 4 part account of atypical modern-day slavery, forced labour and abuse perpetrated against a group of migrant workers from Bangladesh in Malaysia, written concisely and passionately by former MP from Malaysia Charles Santiago

Aljazeera News TV 10th July 2023 – Migrants in Malaysia: Hundreds left stranded in recruitment scam

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