22nd November 2023: Full probe of migrant worker syndicate, Malaysian HR Minister Sivakumar

22nd Nov 2023: Full probe of migrant worker syndicate, Malaysian HR Minister Sivakumar says (these are NOT isolated cases, it’s a systemic issue worsening in Malaysia these days)

22nd Nov 2023: Full probe of migrant worker syndicate, Malaysian HR Minister Sivakumar says (these are NOT isolated cases, it’s a systemic issue worsening in Malaysia these days)

The Human Resources Ministry in Malaysia will carry out a full investigation of a migrant worker syndicate involving six companies.

Original Source: Malaysiakini by Isabelle Long – 21st November 2023

Press Statement 22nd Nov 2023: Urgent Action Required after Exposé on Migrant Workers Syndicate in Malaysia

Speaking in the Dewan Rakyat today, Human Resources Minister V Sivakumar said he was aware of the issue, which has been reported extensively by Malaysiakini in the last few days.

“In this case, a full investigation will be carried out by the ministry. I will report on this issue.”

“At this time, this matter is still under investigation,” he said during the winding-up speech of his ministry after MPs debated the 2024 Budget Bill at the committee level.

Sivakumar was responding to a question by Khoo Poay Tiong (Pakatan Harapan-Kota Melaka) on how the migrant worker quota applications by the six companies were approved when they used fake documents.

“They gave false addresses, false company registration numbers, and false clients. How did the (Human Resources Ministry) officers approve their applications?” Khoo asked.

Caption: Khoo Poay Tiong (Pakatan Harapan-Kota Melaka)

In a syndicate uncovered by Malaysiakini, a group of six companies obtained quotas to recruit 1,625 migrant workers for the services sector in 2022.

The companies include Star Domain Resources Sdn Bhd, Aecor Innovation Sdn Bhd, Puncak Jupiter Management Services Sdn Bhd, QL-marketing Sdn Bhd, GTM Marketing, and Buloke Holdings Sdn Bhd (Maxim).

Collectively, the six companies applied for more than 4,000 workers but received approval for 1,625 workers, documents sighted by the portal showed.

After receiving approval from the migrant worker division in the Labour Department, the companies settled the levy with the Immigration Department before the official approval letter was obtained.

The Immigration Department received approximately RM3 million in levy payments from these companies.

Hard-to-track mastermind

However, establishing the link between the fraud and the fraudster, who multiple insiders alleged was pulling the strings in all six companies in the syndicate, is less straightforward.

This is because the alleged syndicate mastermind used shell companies or existing companies owned by others and left no money trail which could link him to the businesses.

Insiders told Malaysakini that all payments were handled in cash and transported in large duffle bags.

Multiple individuals involved with the companies confirm having dealt with this person. Malaysiakini is withholding his identity pending his response.

The mastermind allegedly bought RM2 companies fresh off the shelves and handpicked company directors, proxy shareholders, and management, leaving no official link between him and the companies.

Alternatively, he used existing companies, convincing the owners to be part of the scheme but keeping his name off the books.

All of those whom the mastermind brought into the operations knew very little about the migrant recruitment business.

This meant he could give detailed instructions on how to manage the bundles of documents and bureaucracy of worker quota applications without any of the local staff suspecting something was amiss.

According to the police’s Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) director Ramli Mohamed Yoosuf, the alleged mastermind was arrested on July 10 over allegations that he was part of a migrant worker recruitment scam.

Ramli said the police acted on a report by a permanent resident who said they lost RM1 million in the migrant worker recruitment scam, led by the 46-year-old man, who is currently out on bail.

He said police are also probing several Malaysian companies involved in the recruitment and employment of migrant workers and their connection to this man.

FMT 22nd Nov 2023: Foreign workers’ quota approval did not use one-stop centre, says A-G’s report

Original Source: Free Malaysia Today by FMT Reporters – 22nd November 2023

The report takes aim at the management of migrant workers through the Foreign Workers Centralised Management System.

9th Nov 2023: Malaysia The State of the Nation: Flaws of foreign worker system laid bare in declassified report

The independent investigation commissioned by the Pakatan Harapan government in 2018 revealed systemic corruption, rent-seeking activities as well as abuse and mistreatment of foreign workers in Malaysia.

Original Article: The Edge Malaysia by Izzul Ikram and Esther Lee – 6th November 2023

See also: Recruitment agencies not allowed to outsource hiring of foreign workers, says HR minister

See also: Group says poor immigration system, corrupt recruitment agencies cause of Nepali undocumented migrants in Malaysia

See more: 5th Nov 2023: Malaysian HR Minister pledges nationwide operations concerning the plight of Bangladeshi migrant workers in Malaysia following Andy Hall’s complaint letter to the OHCHR

See more: 31st Oct 2023: The Daily Star – Andy Hall writes to the UN on Bangladeshi migrants’ dire situation in Malaysia

See more: 30th Oct 2023: FMT: Andy Hall refers stranded Bangladeshi workers’ plight in Malaysia to UN Human Rights Council

See more: 26th Oct 2023: Malaysian PM Office’s Minister Azalina says govt to complete national action plan for business and human rights by 2024 amid global spotlight on systemic migrant forced labour in the country

See more: 20th Oct 2023 Malaysiakini: Long-awaited foreign worker management report declassified in Malaysia

See more: 19th Oct 2023: Malaysia facing huge excess of 1/4 million migrant laborers

See more: 2nd Oct 2023: Exploitation of migrant workers continues unabated in Malaysia

See more: 21st Sep 2023: Malaysian government has 15 source countries for foreign workers – Comments by Andy Hall

See more: FMT 20th Sep 2023: Rate of abused Bangladeshi workers’ entry into Malaysia worrying, says migrant rights activist Andy Hall

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