[event] How to Effectively Ban Products made with Forced Labour – presentation of a model law
From: “Anna Cavazzini (Greens/EFA)” act@greens-efa.eu
Date: 3 November 2022 at 10:45:34 GMT+5:45
Subject: [event] How to Effectively Ban Products made with Forced Labour – presentation of a model law
Reply-To: act@greens-efa.eu
We, Green MEPs Anna Cavazzini, Heidi Hautala and Reinhard Bütikofer, would hereby like to invite you to join us for our presentation and discussion of a model law for an effective ban of products made with forced labor in the EU.
It will take place on November 10, from 8:00 to 9:00 am (CEST) in the Spinelli building of the European Parliament. A webinar link for those who wish to participate remotely is available as well: please join via Webex on this link (https://europeanparliament.webex.com/wbxmjs/joinservice/sites/europeanparliament/meeting/download/5bd6dfc406d14744a304b6043dee3ada?protocolUID=e45825a77d43a8873df5d40dbffe1a25&isIPADAsMobile=false&MTID=m30d041f72f8f4c6ce777c601ce888878)
Currently there are around 27.6 million people affected by forced labour worldwide, and the numbers are even rising. The products made by them often end up on our supermarket shelves, making European consumers involuntary accomplices. Thus, the pressure to act is great. To end this, several Green MEPs called for a ban on products made with forced labour in the European Parliament which has been widely supported in an EP resolution that a large majority of MEPs supported in the summer. The Greens/EFA supported the drafting of a model law that will be at the centre of this event.
Furthermore, we will take stock of the current state of the legislative proposal made by the European Commission in September this year and mirror it against our model law. We will discuss what role the EU must play in preventing forced labour by ensuring an effective ban mechanism.
There is limited seating available, so please register early by sending an email to clara.baldus@europarl.europa.eu.
For remote participation no registration is required, just join via Webex (https://europeanparliament.webex.com/wbxmjs/joinservice/sites/europeanparliament/meeting/download/5bd6dfc406d14744a304b6043dee3ada?protocolUID=ad614ccfa1816a2f7bb3039c07eeb17e&isIPADAsMobile=false&MTID=m30d041f72f8f4c6ce777c601ce888878)
Kind regards,
Anna Cavazzini, Heidi Hautala, Reinhard Bütikofer
Greens/EFA Members of the European Parliament