Seminar Oct 7th 2022 11.00 – 12.30 CET: Protection of Asian Migrants in Europe

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Protection of Asian Migrants in Europe

Oct 7, 2022 11:00 AM

Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna

Organised by La Strada International, Freedom Collaborative and Global Alliance against Traffic in Women

Asian migrants are increasingly recruited to work in Europe. Recent research by La Strada International and GAATW shows that many Asian migrant workers end up in low-paid jobs in Europe, where they are not properly protected against serious forms of exploitation, and risk to fall prey to human trafficking or forced labour.

Questions to be discussed during this webinar are:
– How are Asian migrants recruited and in which vulnerable sectors do they work?
– What are the exploitative practices and the main challenges to access rights?
– How to ensure more awareness about the exploitative practices for Asian Migrants?
– How to ensure better protection of Asian migrants in Europe in practice?

Moderation: Julia Macher – CEO, Freedom Collaborative

With contributions of:

Imke van Gardingen – Policy Advisor Labour migration, Dutch Federation of Trade Unions (FNV) and researcher Third Country National Posting (VU University)
Andy Hall – Labour Rights Activist and Researcher
Milena Stateva – Senior Research Associate, GAATW
Merel Brouwer – Programme Manager and Researcher, La Strada International
Corina Panaite – Social Worker and Case Manager, Adpare Romania
Marketa Hronkova – Director La Strada Czech Republic
Witold Jakimko – Criminal Judge at district court level, Poland

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