15th Dec 2021: Joint Statement by Skip and Migrant Workers Rights Specialist Andy Hall



Johor Bahru, 15 December 2021 – Electronics Manufacturing Services (“EMS”) provider in Malaysia, SKP Resources Berhad (“SKP” or the “Group”) has proactively reached out and held a series of positive and constructive discussions with Independent Migrant Worker Rights Specialist, Mr. Andy Hall with regards to the welfare of migrant workers at the Company.
Specifically, these discussions with Independent Migrant Worker Rights Specialist, Mr. Andy Hall were centred around addressing issues of working hours and payment of recruitment fees. These issues were examined in detail and are in the process of being remediated to the satisfaction of all concerned to ensure the betterment of the welfare of migrant workers at the Company.
Following these discussions, SKP and Migrant Worker Rights Specialist, Mr. Andy Hall would like to jointly update all stakeholders of the following:
1. SKP has operated based on a zero cost ethical recruitment fee policy for its migrant workers since 2018.2. SKP will immediately carry out a remediation program with respect to repayment of recruitment fees previously paid by its migrant workers to agents or other parties.3. SKP will commission an Independent Third-Party Social Compliance Audit by April 2022, the specifics of which shall be agreed by SKP and Mr. Andy Hall. The findings of this audit shall be shared transparently with Mr. Andy Hall and provide objective and reliable information of existing company conditions upon which the continued cooperation between SKP and Mr. Andy Hall is based.4. SKP has and always will place upmost importance on the welfare and well-being of all our workers, both foreign or local.

Mr Andy Hall said, “I am glad to acknowledge the positive momentum, transparency and openness shown by SKP’s leadership to engage me regarding my legitimate concerns raised and then to effectively put in place a clear timeline and action plan to immediately remediate remaining labour issues from the Company’s operations.”
Mr. Andy Hall added, “SKP has indeed shown urgency and demonstrated their ability to put in place a fast, well organised, professional and effective action plan in response to the concerns I have raised. I am confident this action plan when implemented can significantly benefit the migrant workers of the company. SKP’s response and commitment to this issue is commendable.”
“I look forward to working together with SKP, based on the findings from the independent social compliance audit to be commissioned by the Company in April 2022, to ensure migrant worker’s rights and worker welfare are continually prioritised within the Company’s operations.” Mr. Andy Hall added.
SKP’s Executive Director, Mr. Ivan Gan said, “SKP has always believed that our people are our greatest asset. We are thankful to Mr. Andy Hall for constructively highlighting some remaining issues of concern that he has identified through his work. Our discussions together have been fruitful and his insights have shed some additional light on how to improve and further enhance the welfare and wellbeing of our migrant workers.”
He added, “SKP has implemented a zero-cost recruitment free policy since 2018. That being said, I am certain that there have been gaps in the enforcement of this policy. We will therefore carry out a remediation programme with respect to the repayment of recruitment fees previously paid by our migrant workers. This remediation will also be verified by the third party audit we have agreed to commission in April 2022 and which we shall share with Mr. Andy Hall.”
He added further, “SKP prides itself in being a responsible corporate citizen, we are always open to work with independent and external, professional and well-respected parties who can add value and further strengthen our ESG initiatives, especially the welfare of our migrant workers.”

About SKP RESOURCES BERHADSKP is one of the leading Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) providers in Malaysia, as well as one of the top 50 EMS in the world, principally involved in the manufacturing of plastic components, precision mould making, advance secondary processes, sub-assembly of electronics equipment and full turn-key contract manufacturing.For more information, kindly visit: https://www.skpres.com/ For media enquiries, kindly contact:Name : Mr. Kau Wai Faun Email : kauwf@skpres.com Office: 07-4331273 Mobile : 012 – 712 0087

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