1st Nov 2022: 5 key yet simple questions to ask those companies/brands/MSIs participating in yet another Global Forum on Responsible Recruitment #GFRR2022

5 key yet simple questions to ask those companies/brands/multi stakeholder initiatives (MSIs) participating in yet another Global Forum on Responsible Recruitment #GFRR2022

1. Whether companies/brands/MSIs have made time-bound commitments to the employer pays principle and ethical or responsible recruitment practices?

2. Whether companies/brands/MSIs requires any specific commitments of companies/members/suppliers on the employer pays principle and ethical or responsible recruitment practices?

3. What companies/brands/MSIs are doing to identify which supply chains are particularly challenging in terms of unethical or irresponsible recruitment practices?

4. What companies/brands/MSIs are doing to support suppliers to transition to the employer pays principle and ethical or responsible recruitment practices?

5. What companies/brands/MSIs are doing to assess the impact of purchasing practices on the ability of suppliers to transition to the employer pays principle and ethical or responsible recruitment practices

See: ‘How can responsible recruitment of migrant workers move from rhetoric to reality?’ Andy Hall, Migrant Worker Rights Specialist https://www.business-humanrights.org/de/blog/how-can-responsible-recruitment-of-migrant-workers-move-from-rhetoric-to-reality/

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