S&D Workshop: Tackling forced labour in our global supply chains, on 8 November 2022.
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08/11/2022, 15:30 to 18:00
At the European Parliament in Brussels in room SPAAK 7C50 & live streaming at www.socialistsanddemocrats.eu
S&D Workshop: Tackling forced labour in our global supply chains

Far from being a thing of the past, forced labour is still very much a reality. In 2021, 28 million people found themselves in forced labour, 3 million more than in 2016. The Socialists & Democrats in the European Parliament have long been fighting to ban products made with forced labour from entering the EU market. Finally, the Commission has answered our call and proposed a law. Join us to learn about forced labour cases and discuss the future EU law with S&D MEPs, experts and activists, including Adrian Zenz, the academic behind the ‘Xinjiang Police Files’, on China’s abuse of Uighurs.
15.30 – 15.40 Opening
15.45 – 16.45 Panel 1 Reports of forced labour in our global supply chains
16.55 – 17.55 Panel 2 Designing and implementing an effective EU trade tool to tackle forced labour
17.55 – 18.00 Conclusions
A detailed (draft) programme with all participants and speakers is attached below
Live Streaming at: https://www.socialistsanddemocrats.eu/