12th July 2023: Account of atypical modern-day slavery, forced labour and abuse against migrant workers from Bangladesh in Malaysia

An excellent 4 part account of modern-day slavery, forced labour and abuse perpetrated against a group of migrant workers from Bangladesh in Malaysia, written by Charles Santiago, a former Malaysian MP. This is a case study of the systemic corruption and complicity of Malaysian authorities in forced labour, and this is absolutely typical of all the cases we see and refer to Malaysian authorities.

PART 1 – High hopes turn into nightmare in Malaysia Group of 41 Bangladeshi migrant workers had thought their lives would change for the better – Letter to the Editor – 08 Jul 2023, 3:00pm


PART 2 – ‘We were confined in a small room like animals’ ‘Even the policemen who came to check on us took our money’, alleges Ahmed – Letter to the Editor – 09 Jul 2023, 2:45pm


PART 3 – Still no jobs after 1 month’
Group told they will be employed once a ‘good deal’ is secured. Letter to the Editor – 10 Jul 2023, 10:43am


PART 4 – ‘Held as ‘slaves’ and in debt bondage’ – Lack of effective action against agents and employers puts migrant workers’ lives at risk. Letter to the Editor – 11 Jul 2023, 2:55pm


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